„Zakon nije samo skup pravila i propisa, on je moćno oruđe za oblikovanje pravednog i pravednog društva. Prihvatite njegovu moć, koristite je mudro i nikada ne prestanite da se borite za ono što je ispravno.“


privredno pravo,We have comprehensive legal know-how relating to the business requirements of companies, and we offer them an effective and cost-efficient all-inclusive legal service. This includes one stop shop principle for practically all matters falling under general corporate law, but also in all legal matters relating to companies in other legal areas, such as commercial contracts with customers and suppliers, both in an advisory capacity and for the purpose of legal representation in court. We also provide consultancy services for foreign direct investments and establishment of free trade zones. Law firm VASIĆ ĐOKIĆ advises partnerships and corporations in all legal and commercial matters beginning with the founding of a company, corporate restructuring measures to the liquidation of the entity. We consult our clients, among other legal issues, about the choice of the entity’s legal form based on the their business, draft articles of association, rules of procedure, and shareholders’ agreements. Following the company’s establishment, our counselling includes a variety of legal advice to shareholders and the management regarding the preparation of annual general meetings, capital raising and maintenance measures, commercial contracts with the client’s customers and suppliers, making the necessary decisions in business operations, implementing status changes, etc.



011 438 2570

Dušan Đokić is a Founding Partner of Vasić Đokić Law firm. Dušan advises national and international clients in the field of corporate law, banking law and real estate law. He also actively advises clients in the field of trade in excise products and construction projects, and represents clients in litigation and receivables collection procedures. With his extensive experience in the field, he has been involved in a large number of restructuring and debt collection cases.



+381 64 275 0320


011 438 2570

Gorica Vasić je osnivač advokatske kancelarije Vasić Đokić. Takođe, ona ima više od 10 godine iskustva u prižanju usluga pravnog konsaltinga multinacionalnim klijentima i široko učestvovanje u transakcionim i opštim korporativnim pravnim poslovima. Bogato iskustvo ima i oblastima kao što su pravo nepokretnosti, pravo građenja, radno pravo, transportno pravo i carinsko pravo. Poseduje još i značajno iskustvo u korporativnim i privrednim parnicama.
Gorica Vasić is a member of committee for drafting of law on organization of courts in Serbia, named by the Ministry of justice of Republic of Serbia. Also, she is a licensed mediator.