Privacy & Data Security Law
Law firm VASIĆ ĐOKIĆ is working in the field of privacy and data security law in order help companies navigate the often-complex requirements of privacy and data security laws. We advise companies on a wide range of privacy and data security measures, assisting companies in ensuring that their data collection and processing practices, data transfer procedures, privacy policies, and marketing activities are compliant with the relevant domestic, international, privacy, and data security regulations and laws.
We help companies analyze and mitigate risks related to the collection, storage, use and distribution of data. We work to help you establish risk management policies, business continuity procedures, and data breach responses. Our services include:
-Regulatory compliance with privacy and data security regulations across industries
-Data security policies and preparedness and measures to reduce related risks
-The gathering, storing, use and commercialization of external personal information
-Defending clients before enforcement agencies
-Reviewing, negotiating and drafting contracts and service level agreements in areas that impact privacy and data security
-Evaluating breach, researching notification requirements, preparing breach notice letters to employees, advising on the required government agency notices and preparing internal messaging memos.